Scada IOT
Future-proof cyber-physical systems with the world’s most advanced enterprise-ready solutions for securing industrial control systems, retail, and IOT devices.
Anti-malware, Redefined.
A high degree of protection can be achieved by leveraging IOT security for a transiting USB device. Air-gapped environments are frozen in time and host unseen classes of malware, often via a transiting USB device between the OT and IT networks. Monitoring at a network security level does not enable organizations to prevent even accidental infections. Our plug & play USB scanning station is endowed with artificial intelligence technologies to prevent known, unknown and future forms of attacks, such as adversarial machine learning. This protects industrial IOT environments in various segments such as manufacturing, pharmaceutical, oil gas, shipping, drilling, and more inside this threat landscape. Featuring technologies include:
Neural Networks
Enforcement Driver
Advanced Machine
Learning Signatures
File Reputation
Protect your critical environments from future forms of attacks & accidental infections
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